Go Slow Art Club is an art subscription through Patreon—a fun way to share small works with others and support a few studio costs. The “Go Slow” theme is meant to offer permission and encouragement to all of us attempting to make something quietly profound in a fast-moving world. This is a small and slow project by design—there is no expectation of mass production, express shipping, or really anything particularly shiny. Subscribers receive a quarterly small work from me in the mail, and also build credit to slowly collect larger works. 

Additionally, Go Slow Art Club features guest artists on a quarterly basis, to celebrate and share work from others embodying a “go slow” mindset in their creative practice. A variety of factors influence the artists’ respective cadences. A poet finds inspiration in the classical adage of festina lente (“make haste slowly”), and an oil painter records diaristic entries of seasonal shifts observed in nature. A multimedia artist finds herself employing labor-intensive materials again and again, as an almost-unconscious rejection of the pressure to rush. Still another has been building upon a mixed media piece for nearly a decade while embracing her roles as a public school teacher and a parent. For many in this group of featured artists, the mindset spills over from the studio into daily humanhood as well.

To learn more, head to www.patreon.com/AnnaWetzelArtz

above: art by Guest Artist Emma Royer